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Welcome to the Southeastern Accounting guide.  Use the tabs at the top to find sources and information to help you research accounting topics.

Accounting Videos

Journal of Accountancy News

General Resources

The general call numbers for finding books on Accounting and Taxation, whether on Steelman's second floor or in the Reference area are:

HF 5601 to HF 5689 Accounting and Bookkeeping

HJ 2240 to HJ 5908 Revenue, Taxation, and Internal Revenue

HJ 9701 to HJ 9940 Public accounting and Auditing

KF 6200 to KF 6600 Tax law 

Accounting Glossaries

Library Business Databases

The following databases are business-related databases. Steelman Library has many general databases, as well as other subject-specific topics.

Accounting and Business Journals

Database Training Videos

CCH Internet Tax Research Network

Find tax and other accounting information, as current as today's news. Click on the hyperlink below for specific information.


Specific Database Searches


Accounting Learning Guides

Miscellaneous Sources

General Accounting Sources

Database Error

Off campus users may experience a loading issue when using the Article Search box or specific databases. Please use an Incognito Browser while the issue is being fixed.