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1 - 25 of 115 results found

A to Z Journal List (Publication Finder)


Alphabetic title listing of all journals available.

ABI/INFORM Collection


Business, Management and Trade - scholarly and trade journal articles, dissertations, market reports, industry reports, business cases and global and trade news

Academic Search Complete


Scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text databases accessed in one search.

Access Broadcast Transcripts | NewsBank


Search the Associated Press and other key newswires along with radio and television broadcasts from ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC and more.

Access Business News | NewsBank


Search business resources including extensive full-text coverage of accounting, banking, financial, and marketing news from well-known journals, newsletters, newswires, magazines, and web only content.

Alexander Street – Counseling and Therapy in Video


Applied training materials that help today's counseling students, faculty, and practitioners put theory into practice. More than 2,000 hours of training videos, conference sessions, and footage of actual therapy sessions. by Primal Pictures


Primal Pictures 3D anatomy resource

APA PsycInfo


Abstracts of scholarly articles and dissertations in behavioral science and mental health.

Asbury Dissertations


Asbury Digital Commons with over 1000 Dissertations in Full Text.

Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials PLUS


Journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion.

Bates Visual Guide


Bates’ Visual Guide features head-to-toe and systems physical exam videos completely reshot with an emphasis on clinical accuracy and patient care.

Black Life in America | NewsBank


The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. This collection offers “suggested searches” to guide students to pertinent topics from social justice, politics, arts, literature, key people, etc.

Business Collection


Gale OneFile Business

Business Economics and Theory


Gale OneFile Economics and Theory

Business Insights: Essentials


Gale Business Insights

Business Source Complete


Scholarly business journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business.

Business Source Complete - Industry


Scholarly business journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. Pre-filtered to focus on industry search. Check Advanced Options.

Business Source Complete - Power Search


Power Search - Market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.

Cambridge Journal Search


Find the DOI and citation on CUP Journal articles.

CAS SciFinder


Connect with the world’s scientific knowledge and find the answers you need to advance your scientific research. Access journals and patents across multiple disciplines and identify chemical substances and structures, names, and properties, including CAS Registry Numbers®. In addition, take advantage of the included structure drawing tool, powerful visualizations, a retrosynthesis planner, bioactivity data, and more. With an easy-to-use search interface, get started quickly and complete your research tasks with confidence.

You must register before logging in to CAS SciFinder: Click here to register.



Searches (CINAHL/Health Source/Medline). Medical diseases, conditions and the most effective treatment options. CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Civil War: Sources in U.S. History Online


Gale Primary Sources Archives Unbound Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War

Communication and Mass Media


Indexing and abstracts for over 300 journals, and selected coverage of over 100 more, for a combined coverage of over 400 titles: includes full-text for nearly 200 journals.

Complete Counseling and Therapy


Applied training materials that help today's counseling students, faculty, and practitioners put theory into practice. More than 2,000 hours of training videos, conference sessions, and footage of actual therapy sessions.

Counseling & Social Work Video Collection


Over 280 videos on Counseling and Social Work.