Steelman Library
Saturday: Closed


Borrowing privileges

Borrowing privileges (SEU ID Required) are extended to the following four groups:

  • Students enrolled for the current semester
  • Faculty/Staff members - or their family members (with a "family card")
  • Community borrower - pay a fee of $50 (limited privileges), $20 annual renewal fee
  • Alumni borrower - pay a yearly fee of $60 or maintain Alumni Membership (limited privileges)

Printing Costs

Fire Funds

  • SEU IT provides each student with $4.00 weekly printing credit.
  • Use your Fire Card to purchase additional printing.
  • Scan to email is always free.


  • Color printouts cost 20¢ per sheet plus tax.
  • Black & white printouts cost 8¢ per sheet plus tax.


  • 8” x 11” paper: 10¢ per copy plus tax
  • Double-sided: 15¢ per copy plus tax
  • 8” x 14” paper: 10¢ per copy plus tax (Ask for this paper to be loaded for you.)
  • 11” x 17” paper: 20¢ per copy plus tax
  • 11” x 17” paper: 30¢ double-sided plus tax


  • Local: 50¢ per page plus tax
  • Long distance: $1.00 for first page / $.50 for each additional page plus tax
  • International: $3.00 for first page / $.50 for each additional page plus tax
  • All received faxes: 25¢ per page plus tax

Computer Policies

Computers are available in the Steelman Library.

  • First come first served, or make a Computer Reservation.
  • Check out a laptop for 24 hours.
  • Save files to Google drive or a USB Flash Drive.
  • Computer use must comply with SEU Computer Use Policy.

Student Checkout Policies

Checkout Periods for Students

  • 2 week checkout: books and DVDs
  • 7 day checkout: textbooks, MAC Renal ($fee)
  • 24 hours: laptop & accessories
  • 2 hours: study rooms
  • In-library use only: reference books, magazines, and course reserves

Checkout Limits

  • Books — unlimited
  • CDs — unlimited 
  • DVDs — unlimited
  • Games — 2
  • Laptops — 1


Fines will accumulate from the date a book is due until it is renewed, returned, or reported lost. 

If the amount owed is over $20 or there are more than three items overdue on an account, borrowing privileges will be suspended.

Item/Collection Type Fine
Books and Most items 20¢ per day
C-Lab, Reserves, DVD's & Blu-rays 50¢ per day
Two-hour Reserves $2 per hour
2 hour Laptop loan $10 per hour
24 hour Calculator $5 per day

Lost Items

Materials not returned by the last day of the semester and items that are 30 or more days overdue will be presumed lost. Returning a “lost” item will remove the charge but not the processing charge or the transfer fee.

Replacement costs for items include the following charges:

$25 default processing fee for all lost items plus:

  • $50 default replacement fee for books
  • $30 default replacement fee for DVDs or Blu-ray
  • $20 default replacement fee for CDs

Any remaining fines and charges at the end of the semester will be reported to the business office and added to your bill.

Any materials returned after the transfer of records to the business office will be credited to your account, but the fees and fines will remain.

All items are due the final Wednesday of the semester.

Returning Items

  • Checked-out items should be returned in the book-drop or at the Circulation Desk.
  • Items NOT checked-out should be left on the carts or study tables. Please do not re-shelve items.
  • Reserve materials must be handed to a library worker, not dropped in the book-drop.
  • Any electronic items must be handed to a library worker, not dropped in the book-drop.

Renewing Items

You may renew most checked-out items if:

  • They are not overdue
  • They are not on hold by another patron
  • Your borrowing privileges are in good standing

You can self renew under My Library Account from the catalog, or call Circulation for help: 863.667.5059.

  • Main menu > About > My Library Account. Use your SEU login and password. View your checked out items to renew.


Code of Conduct

The code of conduct outlined in the student handbook also applies to the Steelman Library. Library student workers are considered officials of the university while on duty at the library. The library’s purpose is to assist in classroom and personal research, support the curriculum, and meet the educational and informational needs of our users. Thus, any disruptive behavior may be addressed by library staff.

Specifically, these behaviors are not permitted in the library:

  • Violation of the Library's Food Policy & Drink Policy
  • Loud conversations, whether in person or via cell phone
  • Running
  • Excessive physical contact 
  • Noise at a level that disrupts others who are studying
  • Damage to or unauthorized use of any library property
  • Refusal to comply with clearly stated policies or directives issued by any library staff, including student workers
  • Refusal to produce ID when requested
  • Other behaviors that are deemed disruptive by library staff
  • Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in action up to loss of all library privileges and/or referral to SEU's community standards & responsibilities coordinator.

Database Error

Off campus users may experience a loading issue when using the Article Search box or specific databases. Please use an Incognito Browser while the issue is being fixed.