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ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act


Southeastern University is committed to being an accessible and accepting community for people from diverse backgrounds, including those with disabilities. We also stand firmly against discrimination and harassment. To further those initiatives, we have established guidelines and policies to direct university students, faculty, and staff. 

Welcome to the LibGuide focusing on how SEU faculty can implement the accommodations they receive from the ADA office. 


Accommodations or Modifications

ADA Location and Contact Information

ADA is located in Buena Vida East on the 2nd floor.

Phone: 863-667-5200




Ted Talks | ADA

Podcasts | ADA

Guide for Educators


Cover Image for Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education
Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education by Christina Marouli (Editor); Anastasia Misseyanni (Editor); Miltiadis D. Lytras (Editor); Paraskevi Papadopoulou (Editor)

ISBN: 9781787144873
Publication: 2018-04-06

In the era of the 21st century knowledge society, higher education can play an important role as a driver for innovation, leadership and creativity, as it helps develop not only well informed and knowledgeable citizens but also responsible and creative individuals.

Cover Image for The Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook
The Complete Learning Disabilities Handbook by Joan M. Harwell; Rebecca Williams Jackson

ISBN: 9781118937686
Publication: 2014-03-20

The third edition of this classic resource is a comprehensive source of information, strategies, and activities for working with learning disabled students. The book offers special educators, classroom teachers, and parents a wealth of new and proven suggestions and ready-to-use materials for helping LD students of all ages learn and perform at their fullest potential.

Cover Image for Disability in Higher Education
Disability in Higher Education by Nancy J. Evans; Ellen M. Broido; Kirsten R. Brown; Autumn K. Wilke

ISBN: 9781118415689
Publication: 2017-02-15

Create campuses inclusive and supportive of disabled students, staff, and faculty Disability in Higher Education: A Social Justice Approach examines how disability is conceptualized in higher education and ways in which students, faculty, and staff with disabilities are viewed and served on college campuses.

Cover Image for Promoting Social Inclusion
Promoting Social Inclusion by Kate Scorgie (Editor); Chris Forlin (Editor)

ISBN: 9781787695238
Publication: 2019-06-04

This volume in the International Perspectives on Inclusive Education Series explores innovative perspectives and practices regarding social inclusion of potentially marginalized individuals from multiple perspectives.

Cover Image for Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities by Lucy C. Martin

ISBN: 9781452211114
Publication: 2008-01-01

Teachers are often challenged to help students with learning disabilities reach their full academic potential. Written with humor and empathy, this engaging book offers a straightforward approach to skillful teaching of students with learning disabilities.

Cover Image for Teaching Literacy to Students with Significant Disabilities
Teaching Literacy to Students with Significant Disabilities by June E. Downing (Editor)

ISBN: 9780761988793
Publication: 2005-01-20

Break down the barriers to successful literacy instruction and empower students with special needs with these insightful tips, tools, and examples.

Cover Image for What's Missing
What's Missing by Carolyn Lindstrom; Bonita Drolet

ISBN: 9781475834116
Publication: 2017-01-01

What's Missing describes the ten research-based practices that have proven effective in working with students with disabilities. The practices for instruction and for inclusion are detailed in individual chapters in order for the reader to select a specific practice, read information about it, review a possible scenario, and then be given specific strategies on how to implement it.

Accommodations or Modifications

Accommodations are a change in environment, equipment, and presentation of information that allows a student access to content to complete an assignment, task, or assessment. They are not a change in curriculum. The student is completing the same course of study and is graded on the same scale as other students without learning disabilities.

Examples: seating, note-taker, sign language, alternative keyboards; text-to-speech devices, audio books, extended time, larger paper

Modifications change the curriculum and what is being tested or assessed.  These students are not accountable for the same material as students without learning challenges.

Examples: assignments reduced in number, alternative simplified resources

Technology Accessibility

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0

WCAG has created guidelines on how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Can be a very technical read but provides good resources and information. 

Top Ten Accessibility Strategies in Higher Education

Provides tips on how to make courses more accessible for all students.

Five Tips for Accessibility

The University of Florida has created five tips for making online course content accessible for people with disabilities. These are easy tips to implement into your online content on Brightspace.

Inclusive Strategies

Strategies for Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Higher Education 

Inclusive strategies for both in-person and online higher education classes. 

The Higher Education Inclusion Guide by the Institute of Educational Leadership 

A guide that addresses recruitment, accommodations, access, and full inclusion for all students of disability. 


Gallaudet University, an institute dedicated to the advancement of the deaf and hard of hearing, developed a guide on campus and physical spaces to accommodate for the deaf and hard of hearing. 

Universal Design for Learning

The UDL principles are based on the three-network model of learning that take into account the variability of all learners—including learners who were formerly relegated to “the margins” of our educational systems but now are recognized as part of the predictable spectrum of variation. These principles guide the design of learning environments with a deep understanding and appreciation for individual variability.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to guide the development of curriculum so that all individuals have equal opportunities to learn. 

UDL principles are based on the three-network model of learning, including engagement, representation, and action & expression. These are represented in the image below. Click on the image or the link to access this information as a PDF.

Why should I use UDL principles?

  • UDL principles take into account the wide diversity of learners

  • UDL eliminates barriers in the design of the learning environment to make the curriculum accessible for all

  • UDL principles are applicable to every student in the classroom

  • UDL is a systematic way of looking at the persistence of all students in the classroom.

Introduction to UDL

  • Universal Design for Learning: UDL

    This video is designed to teach educators everything they ever wanted to know about universal design for learning. A general overview of this type of framework will cover a variety of topics on UDL. The difference between an inclusion classroom and mainstreaming are also discussed.

  • Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education

    Katie Billard and Bianca Sorbera highlight the three principles of Universal Design for Learning in Higher Ed. By exploring practical examples, Katie and Bianca provide insight into how to create a more inclusive learning environment.

  • UDL At A Glance

    This video provides an introduction to universal design for learning. 


Front cover image for Multidisciplinary interventions for people with diverse needs
Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs by Samuel Honório (Editor); Marco Batista (Editor); Helena Mesquita (Editor)

ISBN: 9811446776
Publication Date: 2020-06-02

Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs - A Training Guide for Teachers, Students, and Professionals

Cover Art
Universal Design by Edward Steinfeld; Jordana Maisel

ISBN: 0470399139
Publication Date: 2012-04-10

A much-needed reference to the latest thinking in universal design Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Environments offers a comprehensive survey of best practices and innovative solutions in universal design.

Cover Art
Promoting Social Inclusion by Kate Scorgie (Editor); Chris Forlin (Editor)

ISBN: 9781787695238
Publication Date: 2019-06-04

This volume in the International Perspectives on Inclusive Education Series explores innovative perspectives and practices regarding social inclusion of potentially marginalized individuals from multiple perspectives.

Ideas for UDL


Helpful Interventions

  • Repeated practice, matching consonants and vowels, breaking apart words
  • Using images to connect syllables, segmenting, previewing words
  • World wall, flashcards, picture dictionary, word bank, glossary
  • Reading guides, organizers, anticipation guides, purpose for reading
  • Reader's Theatre or Plays!
  • Active learning


Helpful Interventions

  • Note organizers, example hand-outs with fill-in-the-blanks, study guides, cheat sheets
  • Manipulatives, larger pieces of paper, color coding
  • Open note tests, mnemonic devices for formulas, songs, fact wall, math journals
  • Word wall, vocabulary review, repetition, flow charts for word problems, pre-check synonyms
  • Act it out, draw images, real life situations


Helpful Interventions 

  • Computer use
  • Highlighter tracing
  • Finger strengthening exercises, clay, pencil grips, tactile (shaving cream/sandpaper)
  • Make word puzzles, drawing shapes around words to show structure
  • Use templates, graphic organizers, parts of speech
  • Encouragement! Mentor texts

Teaching Accommodations

Teaching Strategies

  • Structured environment, reduced noise and distractions
  • Predictable routine - warm-up, "to do," ticket out the door
    • Introduce/preview information in the same manner each new topic
    • Use KEYWORDS in lecturing - "first, second," "to summarize," main point, supporting point, concluding point
  • Reduce verbal language while teaching - the most difficult!
    • Use a slower rate of speech. Really.
    • Enunciate clearly, without exaggeration
    • Use body movements and natural gestures
    • Integrate "wait time" into question asking and presentation of information
  • Present information in small chunks
    • Allow time for processing
    • Check for comprehension
    • Review the next day
  • Allow for breaks - stretching, changing topic for 2 minutes
  • For students needing it (IEPs) - extra time, reading, note-takers, scribe
  • Ask for feedback
    • Too fast? Too slow?
    • Ask each student to anonymously write down/email what they thought the point of the lesson was
      • Then adjust accordingly!
  • Provide concrete examples of good essays, good assignments, good Powerpoints, good outlines
  • Teach direct concepts and try not to rely on implication or deduction without explaining it
  • Teach direct behaviors wanted
    • "Stop talking," "Close your laptops," "Take out your note cards," "Log on to MyFire"
    • Do not start with "it would be a good idea...," or "you might want to...," or "somebody is talking..."
  • Avoid sarcasm and explain metaphorical language - the abstract is impossible for some
  • Encourage and reward students who come for extra help or further clarification
  • Actively teach note-taking & organizational skills
    • Outline on board, verbalize outline, copy outline - check for copy accuracy
      • Insert information during lecture or film
      • Ask for summary of what the outline means at end of period
    • Repeat (for weeks) until you have them create their own outline
      • Check for their accuracy
  • VARK - Present information in as many modalities as possible


Helpful Interventions

  • Verbal cues: "This is important, make sure you're listening" "The is key" with voice, face, inflection
  • Seat student near front of class and away from windows
  • Circulate the classroom & give gentle reminders, taps, agreed-upon signals to re-focus
  • Sensory activities 
  • Brain breaks
  • Graphic organizers, objectives on board, daily agenda
  • Predictable routines, use anticipatory language for transitions
  • Mental preparation for the next activity
  • Set goals, prioritize tasks, break into small parts
  • Clear benchmarks
  • Oral and written directions

Assistive Technology

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